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How to define the organizational structure of a congress

When organizing a congress it is important to define the organizational structure that should deal with each area.

How to define the organizational structure of a congress

Given the size and importance of a congress, its organizational structure will be created according to the characteristics and theme of the congress, and will be made up of several committees.

This type of organization has the advantage of task specialization, and at the same time, facilitates interdisciplinary work by allowing interaction between various work groups.

To give an example of how to set up a committee, the case of an international congress can be done with the following organization chart:

- President.

- Vice president.

- Secretary.

- Members and Coordinators.

The greater the size and importance, the greater the number of committees or coordinators in charge of the different areas of the congress.

The different committees differ in their functions. Some of the main committees can be:

Technical Committee: It is the body in charge of the coordination and contracting of the different services of accommodation, transport, transfer, services at headquarters, auxiliary, travel, catering, legal and logistical aspects, among other tasks. You can hire an official tourism agent for certain services if the congress size justifies it.

Executive Committee: It is the body that is in charge of executing the guidelines issued by the Organizing Committee. In case the event is of great magnitude and importance a professional organization can be hired to organize it. It is made up of local representatives of the entity that organizes the event.

Honor Committee: It is a political body whose function is to provide support and containment to the event, made up of administrative and prestigious personalities from the sector to which the event is dedicated.

Organizing Committee: It is the body that carries out the management of the event and is made up of people of notable relevance to the event's theme. It is the body in charge of achieving the previously established objectives and setting different guidelines.

All committees must report their performance to the organizing committee that will coordinate the tasks and will be in charge of the press and communication.

How to define the organizational structure of a congress

"The secret to hiring the best is: look for people who want to change the world."

Marc Benioff



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