The organization of an event consists of integrating resources in a dynamic and rational way to achieve the expected results.

To manage an event in a planned way, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of a group of people through the division of labor and functions, and use a hierarchy of authorities and responsibilities.
At the same time, to achieve success, teamwork will be essential, which allows the decentralization of tasks, optimization of time and increased creativity. But all these activities can be complicated without an efficient working method.
Below I propose a work plan focused on four moments that will help you manage your resources in the best way possible:
Concept of the event / Objectives / Goals: Once the information and objectives are gathered, write a first draft of the program that allows considering the different proposals.
Developing a work plan: Prepare a preliminary schedule to serve as a possible script. I recommend to include a sketch of the place with proposals for the distribution of places and sketches of the settings and institutional image.
Make a preliminary guest list and a brief summary of the general context of the event.

Example of a schedule of activities for an event that requires at least two months of planning.
2. pre-event ORGANIZATION
Establish the calendar of tasks and functions.
Contract the services necessary to execute the planification. If a tender is necessary, the specifications must be include all the technical specifications that the suppliers must comply with.
Make a final guest list, invitation cards or letters, and all the graphical material.
Install the montage, setting, sound and lighting.
Locate tables, chairs, menu, service personnel and internal support area.
Implement the access control and accreditation system. Prepare optical readers or another type of system that requires technical assistance.
VIP area: Determine the parking space for official vehicles, exclusive areas, special routes, etc.
Prepare gifts, promotional material, diplomas, awards, titles, etc.
Set up a wardrobe, information and customer service services.
Define the input and output protocol.
Prepare the memoirs, speeches and programs to be delivered.
Coordinate security with the companies in charge of it.
Registration: Check that the staff is in charge of the guest lists, sending invitations, monitoring and control, attention of the guests and allocation of places have all the information they need.
Set up general rehearsals and check the final state of the entire assembly.
Develop the program to comply with everything programmed.
Implement the ceremonial and pre-established protocol.
Maintain a high level of control of all variables at all times.
Distribute the spaces (organization / distribution / signage) according to the plan.
Proceed with the delivery of items such as gifts, brochures, hand-outs, etc.
Proceed to the evaluation of the results and opinions through surveys, questionnaires, and results obtained. Some of the main aspects to be evaluated are: prior registration, accreditation, assembly, agenda and compliance, duration, communication, call, customer service, staff, quality of service, teamwork, relationship with suppliers, setting, technical resources, speakers, presentations, entertainment, contingency management, interest level, content, sponsorships, catering, budget, general organization, etc.
Analyze what was programmed and what was done, highlighting both the successes and errors.
Pay vendors, finalize the budget, and prepare a financial report.
Return the material that was loaned.
Send newsletters to the press with the conclusions.
Manage photographies, recordings and all audiovisual material.
Prepare a report with proposals for improvement.
Publicize the event according to the communication plan.
Prepare a documentation file with all the graphic material used.
Write a final report.
Send thank you letters to all participants and those who contributed.

"The strength of the team comes from each member. The strength of each member is the team."
Phil Jackson