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Ideas for developing a collaborative culture

Defining what it does, where it is going and the values that will affect its performance is a key decision in the strategic plan of any organization.

Ideas for developing a collaborative culture

The identity of an organization is similar to the personality of a person, it is inherent to it and it is there by the mere fact of existing. This personality, and therefore its identity, in a broad sense, is constituted from the conjunction of certain essential traits with which it identifies and differentiates itself.

This identity is what the institution wants to project on itself and how it wants to be recognized in the places where it is displayed. It can be analyzed from two of its components, which go hand-in-hand, one determines the other and vice versa:

PHILOSOPHY: consists of the global conception of the institution. It is composed by the mission that answers the question, what is the reason for my existence? What should I do? It is the key strategic objective, to which all plans must aim. In addition, it is made up of the vision, where it shows where it wants to go, and the values, which represent how the institution will carry out its objectives.

CULTURE: made up of the set of norms, values ​​and code of conduct shared by the members of the company, which is reflected in their behavior. It is determined by factors such as: organizational structure, human resources, history, social environment where it develops, etc.

Components and levels of corporate culture

  • What we are: the attributes that define corporate identity.

  • What we think: the values of culture.

  • What we do: the strategic unit.

Culture manifests itself differently on three levels

  1. That of explicit behaviors: it is visible, easily accessible and modified.

  2. Values: it is perceptible, it is accessed with more difficulty and its change requires time.

  3. That of the basic assumptions: they are preconscious beliefs that induce behaviors that are difficult to change if they are not acted upon.

Functions of corporate culture

  • It is the foundation that contributes to build a part of the identity of the organizations.

  • It is the main cohesion element of an organization.

  • Promotes involvement and alignment with the institutional project.

  • Determine the internal environment.

Culture is an integration factor that creates belonging. That is why, from the communication management we must work to align it with the philosophy, and in this way, achieve an integrated identity oriented to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the organization.

Ideas for developing a collaborative culture

Actions to develop a collaborative culture

- Create a vision that includes everyone who makes up the organization. In this way, commitment and self-discipline will be more important than orders and hierarchy. The members of an organization will feel part of the decision-making and creative process, which will increase their motivation and enthusiasm.

- Define the philosophy and communicate it efficiently. The definition of the philosophy will allow the achievement of the proposed objectives, at the same time that all the members that make up the organization will be clear about what they do, where they should go and under what parameters they should do it.

-Try to expand communication channels, so that through scheduled meetings, each member can express their ideas. The use of internal events such as workshops, group meetings, business breakfasts, etc. are ideal spaces for the exchange of ideas and opinions.

- Establishes a strategic plan detailing the short, medium and long-term objectives in which the vision must materialize. It is important that these goals are realistic and motivate the groups.

- Measure and share the results. Socializing achievements creates a collaborative corporate culture that is committed to teamwork and enables innovation, while allowing mistakes to be re-thought from a broader perspective.

Ideas for developing a collaborative culture

"None of us is as good as all of us put together."

Ray Kroc



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